Canguilhem The Normal And The Pathological Pdf Printer
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.4 (2002) 317-319 Canguilhem and Social Pathology Keywords: Canguilhem, organism, society, pathology. Program Stock Barang Phpbb. Foomatic Printer Drivers Mac. M IKE G ANE'S COMMENTARY on my paper 'Normal and Abnormal' engages with the important question of the possibility of a concept of social pathology. Linux Driver Canon Lbp 1210 64 Bit here. However, I would like to begin my response by conceding a couple of his points around my definitions of epistemological positions. First, I agree that the critique of my original piece was indeed directed most specifically toward biological reductionism, and that this should not perhaps be conflated with all positions that might be grouped under positivism. Indeed, I found Gane's description of scientific objectivity as conceived by sociological positivism ('[as] the result of epistemological procedures, not what might be called ontological reduction to a physical level of the object') tantalizingly reminiscent of Bachelard's own conception of objectivity in the physical sciences, a conception that Canguilhem must have been in sympathy with, and that Bachelard himself explicitly opposes to the epistemology of the 'positivists' in his own arena (Bachelard 1984).