Canon Lbp 2900 Printer Drivers For Ubuntu
Make Model PPD/Driver Supported Works? Ubuntu Version Comments Last Updated Canon i-SENSYS FAX-L120 - No No 9.10 2010-Jan-13 Canon i-Sensys LBP3010 CNCUPSLBP3050CAPTK.ppd Yes Yes 9.04 (Jaunty), 9.10 (Karmic), 10.04 (Lucid), 10.10 (Maverick) Using version 2.00 Drivers from Canon, Auto deteced but will not work without Canons drivers, Status monitor / cleaning working OK. 2010-Oct-11 Canon LBP3100B CNCUPSLBP3150CAPTK.ppd Yes Yes 10. Driver Epson L210 Windows 10 64 Bit. 04 (Lucid 32bit ONLY) Using version 2.00 Drivers from Canon, Auto detected model will not work. Set-up following Canon Installation instructions works OK.
Couldn't get it working at all for 64bit 2010-Dec-28 Canon PIXMA iP1700 iP1900 No Yes v13.04 (Raring) Works using the iP1900 drivers following this how-to: 2013-Jul-06 Canon imageCLASS MF4350d No No v8.10 (Intrepid) Printer wasn't recognized at all - didn't show up in Add Printer tool 2008-Nov-30 Canon imageCLASS MF4370dn Linux Printer Driver (UFR II) Ver. Car Rental Software Open Source Php Shopping. 2.00E Yes Yes v8.04 (Intrepid) The current driver doesn't support all features. But you will be able to print via USB. 2009-Jan-29 Canon imageCLASS MF8050Cn Linux Printer Driver (UFR II) Ver.2.00 Yes Yes v9.10 (Karmic) The current driver doesn't support all features. But you will be able to print via the network. 2010-Apr-07 Canon imageRunner iR2xxx Canon imageRunner_330s Foomatic/hpijs No Yes v8.04.3 (Hardy) 2008-Apr-08 Canon imageRunner iRC2620 Canon imageRunner_330s Foomatic/hpijs No Yes v8.04.3 (Hardy) Only prints in black and white so far.

2008-Jun-06 Canon imageRunner iRC3380 Canon UFR II/UFR II LT No Yes v8.04.3 (Hardy) Install the official Canon DEBs (they contain source code too), install the printer, use 'sudo cngplp' to configure default properties, and then set Job Accounting ID/Password for current user 'cnjatool -p [Printer Name]' 2009-Jun-30 Canon imageRunner iRC3580i CNCUPSIRC3580SK.ppd No Yes v8.04.3 (Hardy) Default (foomatic) driver does not work. Get (free) drivers from, install the.deb packages, and select 'Canon iR C3080/3480/3580 PS3 ver.1.8' as the 'Make and Model'. I used lpd://(printer's IP) in the URI field 2009-Jan-21 Canon LBP-1120 CNCUPSLBP1120CAPTK.ppd No Yes v9.10 (Karmic) Works with v1.90 drivers from Canon. The instructions are the same as those for 2010-Mar-21 Canon LBP-6200d CNCUPSLBP6200CAPTK.ppd Yes Yes 13.04 (32&64bit) Works with v2.60 drivers from Canon. Do not turn on the printer until after installation. 32bit: Follow the readme of the printer driver.
Change localhost to 59787. 64bit: Follow readme of the canon printer driver. Change localhost to 59787. Install libglade2-0 ia32-libs libpopt0:i386 from repository. (Standard Raring ia32-libs works.) (32&64bit) Add sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start and if you want the capt Statusmonitor started sh -c 'sleep 30; /usr/bin/captstatusui -P LBP6200 -e' for each user to gnome-session-properties.
Canon 2900 Printer Driver Software Free Download. All About Driver Printer Canon Lbp 2900 Windows 8 64 Bit. How to set printing machine On Ubuntu 32 bit. Canon Printer Driver - For Linux users who use Canon printers now do not have to worry anymore, now available canon printer driver for linux ubuntu. Driver Canon 1210 Cho Windows 7 64bit more.
Allow each user to start ccpd as root. Therefore add to /etc/sudoers following line for each user: (username) ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/ccpd start 2013-Oct-26 Canon LBP-2900 CNCUPSLBP2900CAPTK.ppd No Yes v9.10 (Dapper) Works with v1.90 drivers from Canon. The instructions are the same as those for 2010-Mar-21 Canon MP210 Official driver in any version prior to Karmic. In v9.10 (Karmic) MP160 driver. No Yes v8.04.3 (Hardy) / v10.04 (Lucid) Krmic works properly with official drivers: Version 9.10 'Karmic' and later work perfectly with MP160 driver.