Hkey_current_user Software Microsoft Windows Nt Currentversion Printer Ports

Now to find what their current printer is you need to query the registry so use the folloing command (reg query 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Windows' /v 'device'). Dear all, I am writing a vbs to create local port to connect to our printer server (i.e local port for PrintServer PrintQueue1).I can create the local port succesfully through editing the registry HKLM Software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Ports and restart the spooler service in Windows 7 32bit.
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Download Tema Naruto Shippuden Untuk Hp Nokia C3. Or read our to learn how to use this site. I have successfully migrated all printers to a new server(VM). The only other issue i have is, keeping everyone's default printers and the printers they currently have in their 'Devices & Printers'. The names of the printers are staying the same.
I want to have these ports moved over to the new server and users never knew i migrated these printers.(Scenario: Migration is done, Old print server is shut down and new one is up, user's printers that have already been added before in 'Devices & Printers' stay the same and are able to print from the printer they already had in 'Devices & Printers'.) I noticed that there is an option to export printer ports in Print Management GUI. Does this apply to also keeping the same printers in the users 'Devices & Printers' or is this something else? Also, Is there a way to transfer users printer in 'Devices & Printers' that are NOT set to defaults? Basically transition existing printers in 'Devices & Printers' to the same ones added but essentially in the 'background', they are different. The ports are pointing to the server, but i now need to point users printers back to the new printer. How can i make this happen?
It is not ideal for us to have users re-add all the printers in 'Devices & Printers'. I appreciate you help. Download Tvs Hd 745 Printer Drivers.