Hp Sales Builder For Windows Configurator

Hp Sales Builder For Windows Configurator

HPE SalesBuilder for Windows was the best configuration tool compared to any principle vendor's configuration tools in terms of flexibility and user friendliness. It's really shocking to see such beautiful tool is getting replaced by absolutely inconvinient OCA. If there was a need to replace SBW then why not alternate offline tool. Offline access was the best advantege tool had it gives a mjor advantage to work on configurations even while travelling.

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That major advantage is lost with OCA. HPE should rethink on discontinuing SBW and should give us option to choose to which tool to use.

In my Opinion. I am strongly agree with the post above.

I do not understand why the guys who engineered the new tool did not think about the right way. Install Mac Os X On Hp Probook 4540s Ram. I just have one idea about this. They have never work in real life with much of configurations in the same time.

They have lots of times and they have not need to work everywhere and as fast as they can. Just in this case can somebody accecpt te OCA features and featurelesses. The major problems about this tool: 1. Extremly slow. Not available in offline mode.

Lots of features are not in what we were able to use in the SBW: a. Adjustment Program Epson Reset L210. Totally randomly saved modifications, you can not sure in that if you modified an earlier saved configuration and saved back again the modifications will be saving well. There are no configuration summary option c.

You can not change the Rack afterwards d. There is no copy-past, you have to do this with more clicks e. Can not setup the cabling in a factory built rack configuration f. Can not change the support From Flexibe to Fixed and vice-versa when you are configuring. If you want this you have to start to do everithing from the beginning g. And much more.

Too complicated surface. You have tons of coices one after another that is why you can not see the overall picture what is makes heavier to choose the right configuration what you want.

And more and more and more. So I am worried about the all OCA, we can much easier use and under much less time for a configuration the Dell and Cisco online tools. So welcome in the Club of time millionnaries.