Hp Smart Array Linux Installation Introduction
To attach the driver disk as a virtual floppy go to 'Virtual Floppy/USBkey' section of the applet window. An Introduction To Syntax Van Valin Pdf Printer. Click there on 'Local Image File' radio button, press 'Browse' and then use the emerged file manager window to select the driver disk file. Finally, click on 'Connect'. Almost the same sequence of operations need to be performed in 'Virtual CD/DVD-ROM' section of the applet window in order to attach the CemtOS 7 installer iso file as virtual DVD.
Connecting physical media devices (requires physical access to the server) It is not a common practice to have the server supplied or equipped with floppy and CD/DVD device. Hp Mediasmart Music Free Download more. So if the virtual media provided by iLO is not accessible at the time USB Key and USB DVD device need to be pugged into the machine USB ports. Also the BIOS settings need to be adjusted to make possible booting from a USB DVD device.
This document describes how to effectively use HP ProLiant systems with Debian GNU/Linux. It includes details on installation, firmware upgrades, remote management, and system monitoring. Introduction HP sells 'PC servers' that use Intel (ia32 and em64t) and AMD (amd64) processors under the 'ProLiant' brand name. Liebermann Piccolo Concerto Pdf Printer. HP Smart Array.
The driver disk need to be transferred to a USB Key by using dd tool: $ dd if=kmod-cciss-3.6.26-1-driver-disk.img of=/dev/sdb (if the USB Key device is presented into the local system as /dev/sdb) and the CentOS 7 installer should be burned to a DVD blank. Starting the installation Reboot the machine. In the first screen shown by the installer.
Lets explain them: inst.repo=This is the URL of the repository containing the CentOS 7 package collection. It is better to use a repository instead of transfering the packages from the local install media (the iso file) through iLO. Dd It tells Anaconda to use driver disk. The driver disk need to be attached as USB Floppy. Inst.vnc It tells Anaconda to redirect the video ouput to a VNC session.
That redirection takes plase when the installer switches to the interactive mode (where the user can chose the parameters of the installation: language, the disk partitioning, packages, e.t.c.). Inst.vncpassword=tralala The password for accessing the VNC session. Resolution=1366x768 The video resolution for the VNC session. Ip= netmask= gateway= nameserver= The IP address, netmask, gateway, and nameserver. Anaconda needs them for accessing the respository (see 'inst.repo' above) and to provide a network access to the VNC session. After pressing 'Enter' the Anacoda is starting the installation process and soon it will ask for selecting the driver disk. If you follow Section 3.1 (as shown in the screen shot) both DVD and USB drives are emulated, which means you should point to the CentOS 7 installation ISO and driver disk IMG file, instead of burning DVD and writing down the IMG file on USB pen.

In this case you emulate the DVD and USB devices. This is the most convenient waw. If you don't have access to the iLO console, as explained in Section 3.2, you have to burn one DVD with the minimal CentOS 7 iso, and write down the IMG file of the driver disk on USB stick.