Install Mysql Module Php Windows 8

Instructions for installing MySQL / PHP on a Windows Server in preparation for running WordPress and other apps. Then click on Add Module Mapping under the.
I've updated php.ini and moved php_mysql. Comet Chat Php Cracked Rib. dll as explained in I get this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C: inetpub. MySQL doesn't show up in my phpinfo; report. I've updated the c: Windows php.ini file from; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
C Puzzles By Alan R Feuer Pdf Printer. Extension_dir = './' to; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. Extension_dir = '.;c: Windows System32' Result: no change. I changed the php.ini value of extension_dir thusly: extension_dir = 'C: Windows System32' Result: much more in the phpinfo; report, but MySQL still isn't working. Program Stock Barang Phpbb.