School Timetable Generator Php

Automatic School Timetable Using Php in title. ASc TimeTables is built as the only timetabling solution that can generate school timetable up to the last card. CTT- Time Table Generator in PHP Solving Timetable Scheduling Problem by Using Genetic Algorithms For more info -
Assalam o alaikum! Here the Question is I wann to generate time table of College having 10 subject and let xi = 5 xii= 5 suppose 8 rooms each in xi and xii 4 subject have 4 credits and 2 have 3 credits in a week. How this can be solved using all functions of Genetic Algoritham i.e Fitness,population,and survival of fitness function etc on the plate form of a c++ OOps!!!!!! Now im sure the question z clear im not getting how i use Genetic Algoritm??????????????
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TIMETABLE WEB Online school timetable Timetable Web, fully online, for the automatic generation of school timetables. All the operations are online, from data input to final prints, you can use every computer or mobile device connected to the Internet.